Sunday, November 27, 2011

Back "Home"

We arrived safely Saturday night after a mostly uneventful trip. This is remarkable considering the normal level of adventure in our lives since we came to Mexico. Our time in the States was very enjoyable save for a couple of bumps. We loved seeing as many family members and friends as we did. We really wanted to see more people and spend more time with those we saw. As good as it is to visit, it seems to take a few days to get over a little homesickness when we return here.

One bit of excitement was having our car towed from in front of daughter Camille's apartment. There were no signs or markings. After the shock of finding our car missing, a night on Camille's livingroom floor, a trip in the morning from Woodstock to Crystal Lake and $150, we got the car back. It was supposed to be $200, but the guy gave us a break on the 10 hours of "storage fee".

It caused me to miss my one opportunity to spend the early Saturday morning hours with my friends at the Rockford First men's prayer group. I was looking forward to coffee and a long john too! It did result in a big blessing as the guys spontaneously reached into their pockets. They blessed us with more than double our loss for the towing. God is good!! (I'd rather have had the fellowship)

We are ready to hit the ground running. Our full schedule resumes immediately beginning with preaching at Pastor Solomón's church tonight. We'll see what the rest of the week brings. We have prospects for 3-5 new students.

We have found that teaching English is a very effective way to reach people and to build relationships with them. This leads to many opportunities to share the Gospel. For a number of reasons, we don't charge for the classes. In some ways, it feels as though we have accomplished nothing in the nine months we've been here. But as we look back, we can see that we have had a huge positive impact on a significant number of people.

We would like to continue, but we need to ask for your help. We came to Mexico on faith with a small amount of savings and a monthly pension I receive from my days as a police officer. As I write this, we are about 3-4 months from depleting our savings. When the money runs out, we will have to return home. Although I really want to remain here, we are both very willing to return to the States if that is God's will. We were and we are trusting God to supply our need either way. Please consider prayerfully and carefully whether you might be able to help us with a one-time gift or regular monthly support. We need to raise about $600 per month.  We are very thankful to those who have been generous to help us get this far.

BLOG COMMENT POSTS   Serveral people have told me that they posted comments to the blog. Unfortunately, we have not seen most of them. I checked the settings and confirmed that anybody is allowed to post a comment. I believe the problem is a checkbox which is under the comment box. It says "Select Profile" You must answer this box for the comment to appear. You may select either "Anonymous" or "Name/URL". Just type your name in the box. It will attach your name to the comment and we will know who posted it. It was disappointing to learn that we haven't seen some of your comments. It is very encouraging to us to know that you are taking an interest in our activities.

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