Monday, September 12, 2011

Small World

The world here in Huatulco is becoming smaller by the day. One of our neighbors asked us if we could help her and her two daughters with their English. We began meeting with them last week. It has been great relationship building time and very enjoyable. I got to share my testimony and the Gospel with her this week. She listened and asked good questions. She also asked if we’d be willing to take one of her long time friends as another adult student in our home. We agreed. A couple of days later, she came by with her. The friend turned out to be a lady who attends the Nazarene church with us and who is a fairly new believer herself. Small world!

Tuesday morning, we enjoyed a wonderful breakfast at the Red Cross which was provided by our students there. After class, they asked us if we would join them every Tuesday. This is also a great opportunity to get to know each other more personally. We will really enjoy it.

Saturday night, we attended a quinceanera party at Solomon’s church. I got to meet the pastor of one of the local addiction recovery ministries. I wanted to wait to meet him until my Spanish is better, but God must have decided  that now is the time. We'll be getting together soon. Another guest was Memo, the pastor of a small church which meets near our neighborhood. He also operates a one-stall hand car wash during the day. Last night, (Sunday) we went to a baby dedication celebration. Art and Betty were also there and we had a great time. I get to use my photography. These parties are a blessing. Besides all of the people we get to meet, we get some really awesome food.

Another little adventure entered our lives (temporarily) this week. About a week ago we were treated to an all night session of a cat meowing. In the morning we discovered the racket was coming from our neighbor/friend’s house across the street. Donna went to investigate. It turned out to have been a tiny kitten which had been abandoned. It could barely hold up its head or walk and it would not eat from an eye dropper. We think it was about 3 weeks old. Donna adopted it and she has been nursing it back to health. It is now eating solid food and displays ALL of the characteristics of a normal kitten. It is very affectionate and demands constant attention except for when it is sleeping. Donna named it Meow-zer. It will be leaving soon!!

I shared my idea that our obedience is not what pleases God in a sermon last Sunday night at one of the local churches. I was a bit concerned about sharing such a concept in an environment that sometimes seems to be a little legalistic. It went over very well and I was told that even the pastor was deeply touched. Estamos muy agradecidos de que Dios nos da tantas oportunidades de compartir nuestra fe.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Bill, it really makes me happy to see that you and Donna are having nice time in Hux.
    Please keep enjoying and spreading the gospel with the people over there, keep practicing spanish, it will be very useful for that purpose.
    God bless you and gives you (plural)strength, authority and guidance to fullfill His purpose in your lives.
    Please say hi to my mom when you see her.
    Luis Noguez
