Speaking of classes, we drew a whole lot of encouragement from our students this week because of the progress they are making. Teaching can be very rewarding in itself as some of you know. That is especially important when there is no paycheck. Often we do receive fruit, fish and homemade deserts as gifts. That is very special to us. We have also picked up a couple of new adult students and a family.
Friday morning at about 4:39 we were both awake when we heard a low rumbling sound which was followed by the bump, bump, bump of a 4.3 earthquake. A rhythmic mild shaking continued for a minute or so and stopped. The epicenter was pretty close and out in the ocean where there is a large subduction zone just off the coast. Because this is a seismic area, most of the buildings are engineered to be earthquake resistant. We are also on what is essentially solid rock so the waves don’t get amplified. In other words, we are reasonably safe.
Later in the day on Friday, we “found” two beaches which are all but inaccessible to tourists and most others. They are in an area which is closed off to vehicles and we had to climb down rugged paths on steep hills to get to them. They are close to where we live. Perks like this make it a lot easier to be away from family and friends. Two more grandchildren are due next spring. We do miss being close to family, but, we are also so very blessed to have made many wonderful friends. There is going to be a difficult day of reckoning if/when we have to leave. Only God knows when it will be time to go. I can relate to the apostle Paul's dilema in wanting to depart to be with the Lord but also to remain on to serve those he loved. A lot depends on finances. We have to develop a stronger support base sooner than later. Please consider being a part of that.
Sunday night I am scheduled to preach at Pastor Solomon’s church. The message is about suffering. I am going to say that the horrible suffering Jesus endured on the cross was not His only suffering. Jesus suffered for us, but we are also called to suffer. We are instructed to follow His example. But to suffer what? He said we are to deny self, take up our cross daily, and follow Him. He certainly wasn’t telling us to be crucified. When He washed the disciples’ feet, He told them they ought to do the same for each other. Not just to wash feet, but to lower themselves beneath others to serve them. Jesus said, “This is my commandment, that you love one another just as I have loved you.” He was demonstrating agape love. Agape is self-denial. Philippians 2:5-8 tells us that He voluntarily denied His own rights to His position in heaven and to all of His rights as a man to serve us. This is the example we are to follow. It can be very difficult when we are wronged or when will not even be recognized much less be repaid. Service to others can be difficult. But from the moment He left His throne until He returned, He suffered the loss of all of His rights on our behalf. Should we do any less? I am challenged because I fall short. It is very difficult to crucify the flesh but, I believe that the light generated by our agape is the light from the city set on a hill which beckons into the darkness to draw people to Him. Shine on!